Well, her neck is maple, found on Fender's in every price range, her tremolo system will have you bending those strings with the best of them! And her headstock's unmarked so you can make her your own! And she's loaded with extras! She's got a soft case, strap, whammy bar for the tremolo, cable, and more! My story: COVID shut down my Live Music Production company, ICVMproductions, : so we opened our on-line store to help raise the funds needed to bring her back to life, so all of the store's profits are going right back into supporting local music!
Thanks for checking out my ad, and, If you have any questions, just ask! Gibson Epiphone Les Paul SG Fender Squier Strat Stratocaster PRS Paul Reed Smith Schecter SDGR Ibanez Taylor Yamaha Seagull Takamine Silvertone squire fendr femder gibon gison fnder start yamaha ernie ball pbass p-bass jazzbass jazzmaster jaguar bronco musicman music man stingray sting ray peavey ampeg ibanez artist series sdgr soundgear marshall Seismic Audio QSC Peavey Hiwatt Vox AC30 Orange Crush.